Tuesday, April 01, 2008

One more month to go.

For the unfortunate few who wait for me to blog regularly, here's my next bit of information. I've got exactly one more month here in Beaune and (even better) only two weeks of work left. I'm off to Paris on the 9th and then to Barcelona on the 16th. I've even been practicing (practising?) my Spanish, base stuff though, to help me find a road, find Karla if I lose her, how much does this cost?, thank you very much Sir/Madame/Miss, motherfucker and Where is my Latin boy? (Think this'll do?)

For the two weeks of work left, I've got parties (known as goutiers here) with the students planned for most of the hours anyway. The only problem is that I have to invite the teacher too. Other than that, I have last-minute presentations to make on India. For some reason, everyone's realised that the only Indian assistant they've had or ever will have is about to leave and they need to profit from her presence. Profites-en bien.

I've already seen Paris before, so I've scheduled another visit of the things I missed the last time although I'll be seeing la Tour Eiffel many times.

Last update, I got a tattoo =).


Anonymous said...

Practicing and practising ,both are right.Practicing is used in American english and practising in British format.

Marc said...

Very useful Spanish phrases those...

Whatever happened to speaking English?

So don't you feel unhappy leaving? Mostly because it is Chennai you will have to come back to.

Anusha said...

Great, I was just making sure that all my American and English readers could understand me.

It's Barcelona Marc! Why go all the way there and speak your own language. Live they way they do.

No, not really, I want to come back.

Anonymous said...

awww, you're leaving Europe when I'm coming back. so sad.
I wouldn't wanna come back to Chennai :D