Monday, October 16, 2006

Diwali time....

Dont be fazed by the topic..its not a positive not being being a complete, thorough, out-and-0ut pessimist here(kinda like Marc..)

Dont get me wrong here...i used to love diwali...back in junior school...getting up early in the morning for the customary bath(i know people will make stupid comments here)....dressing up nice with the ethnic wear....being suprised with the crackers by my parents(from the list that i chose)...gearing up with all my other tiny friends to burst cracker after cracker all the live long day....but the evenings were the best..with all those amazing lights..and the lovely colours....and somewhere in between all that the sweets...and the friends and relatives coming over....that euphoria would last a week at the least..

And now? mother's influence has creeped in...suddenly i find myself too old for crackers..too sick for sweets....too annoyed to meet endless that my innate self just surfacing after being smothered in childish living?..or is it just the way adults and "grown ups" are?....or maybe even the new trend? be above petty things as crackers at noon..cause if i remember right adults used to love it too...

Its more of a cascade of things that people lose interest in when they grow up......given that i'm neither here nor there on the whole adult/adolescent thing, i think i can qualify to comment on this.....

How is taking a walk in the rain so difficult now?Or watching back to back movies on TV all sunday?..or taking a midnight walk in the beach even??...ordering take out....if you are too tired to cook..dont!...why does everything have to be neat?in order?spic and span to the extent of blinding the next person who walks into the kitchen? what if the cat plays with your dresses?..or drinks up all the milk?..they are supposed to arent they?

Anyway..the point of the blog this whole 'growing up' phase that adults cant seem to wait for us to enter, really as good as it seems?...are we forgetting to have fun? it something that u have noticed or experienced hands-on?..

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Do i need one...??

Given that all my blogs or posts are just random thoughts do i really need a topic??....wouldnt it just be 'yet another update?'....or would that border on me sounding mallu-ish? know that pathetic joke we all heard in school or at home from an equally annoying aunt...."how do mallus spell 'moon'?"....."Yem, Wo, yet another Wo,Yen...", after which you'd jus go "...." and wonder the exact right and appropriate age is when you can tell your mother's friend to shove something..

Random thoughts indeed....well anyway....this whole embargo of old depressing relatives came over sometime yesterday to check on their favourite neice(me)...being the newly crowned birthday girl and all...i guess they felt it was time for their yearlt check-up... that i'm all "grown up"(ahem), i felt it was about time i spoke my mind for once in front of them..(oh boy did i pay for that later...)...
Simple issues actually.....funny...if you think retorting when you've had enough to annoying old people is funny...

"Oh, my God,'ve grown...!!"....."well, you didnt expect me to defy nature did you?"....
" get phone calls from boys now do you?"....."they dont seem to mind the syphilis...."
"Isnt it a little too late to go out for dinner now?"......"i dont have dinner in the afternoon..."
"A coca cola addict are you?"....."helps me get over the marijuana...."

Was fun at that moment....but unfortunately my mum doesnt seem to share my sense of humour....damn!..people these personality!...

Even though i didnt want to, i was forced to hear their conversations....husbands, work, tensions in life..and i was thinking to myself (this could be heaven, and this could be hell), how rough adults have it...and i never understand why they always seem to think that we 'teens' are jus the beginning of their complaints....i mean, is it really that tough to have an adolescent at home...?...are we really that troublesome...?...i mean, sure, we have our mood swings, but who doesnt?...sure, we feel that you parents prefer out siblings and the rest of the world to us, but who doesnt feel that way?
..its not that bad...all we do is slam doors when annoyed...most of the time we dont really know why we are pissed...but so what?....the point is that we are annoyed...and since when did the phrase 'leave me alone' become so difficult to understand...??...and do parents think that the moment they turn into parents they are professional psychologists...??..everything we do or say needs to be analysed..every non-committal action has to be reasoned...perfection the key rule...temper is not allowed...retorts, door slamming, silence, or even chit chat are abhorred.....
Bottom line?...parents are way too complicated!!!!!!......

I kinda feel like Lindsay Lohan in that movie of hers..Freaky friday...where she switches places with her mother....

Anyway.....mother alert..."too late to be online"....hmph!